The Chia Champion

I often look back and remember that chia seeds were actually the trigger that sparked my real food journey. About this time last year, I was really itching for a healthier lifestyle (partying too hard, not sleeping enough and not eating well) so I looked to nutrition as the place to start. I remembered hearing about chia seeds and curious to find out more about, I stumbled upon the super Jessica Ainscough's blog which inspired me; her voice echoed everything I felt about ending our tortured relationship with food from deprivation to indulgence to guilt and instead being able to enjoy every mouthful.

I find this is the main reason why people put off being healthy: they don't where to start. We are overwhelmed by the amount of information out there; and we feel judged that what we are doing is not good enough or that what we are doing is wrong so we put up our defenses in an attempt to protect our ego. Most of us know what we're doing isn't working, but we are afraid of the unknown and feel that asking for help might be a sign of weakness, so instead we hold on to what we know, as we think it makes us right and thus strong. But as the Taoists say: "accept disgrace willingly". There is great blessing in admitting defeat as this is what allows for transformation and new beginnings.

This is why a lot of people who have experienced adversity in the form of disease are also the ones who have embraced a path of wellness so wholeheartedly and can experience such joy. When faced with a debilitating physical disease, one is forced to abandon any attachment to their previous ways and admit defeat; those who let go can experience profound transformation, which is why they become such inspirational people!

This is also precisely why diets don't work, they are doomed to fail by their prescriptive nature of a start and end. This implies a built-in acceptance that one will revert to their old ways after the diet is "over". Diets are just temporary plasters attempting to cure the physical symptoms rather the cause. A diet focuses on the results (Destination) so you forget to enjoy the process (Journey). My real food lifestyle is all about enjoying the journey; this way of life was so compelling for me when I realised it was ALL enjoyable, I never deprive myself of the food I love, because I love food that is good for me. I have actually completely lost my appetite for processed, refined and artificial foods. Some of you know exactly what I mean, whilst others are sceptical. This is normal. Don't worry, give yourself time and try something new every day. I promise if you give it a go, you too will slowly discover how delicious healthy food can be.

So on that note, here is an easy and delicious recipe to make chia seed pudding. Chia is the most incredible superfood; it contains calcium, manganese and phosphorus, and is a great source of healthy omega-3 fats. With more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon, a wealth of antioxidants and minerals, a complete source of protein and more fibre than flax seed, this tiny black seed is a veritable nutrition powerhouse! It is incredibly versatile, you can basically add it into anything as it doesn't really have a flavour; it just absorbs the flavours around it. Chia seeds can be enjoyed every day, sprinkled on cereal, thrown into smoothies, tossed in salads or you can try this delicious and so-quick-to-make Superfood Chia Seed Pudding. With the maca, lucuma and raw cacao, this becomes a truly energy-packed and delicious dessert or breakfast. (FYI: Ocado usually have great deals on Naturya superfood powders, so might be worth a look).


12 Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds Everyday

1. Chia is gluten free

2. It is super high in dietary fibre, making it great for digestion and healing digestion issues.

3. It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon!

4. It boasts 20% protein and is one of the only complete plant-based protein sources with all 8 essential amino acids

5. It is high in antioxidants (It has a four times higher ORAC value than blueberries)

6. Chia contains five times more calcium than milk

7. Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges

8. It contains three times more iron than spinach

9. It contains twice the potassium content of banana

10. It is food for healthy skin, hair and nails

11. It has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels (making it particularly good for diabetics)

12. Chia makes a great egg replacement. Just combine with water to form a gel, and add it to recipes that call for egg.


Superfood Chia Seed Pudding

Serves 1
Total Time: 5 minutes


3 tbs of chia seeds
1 cup of nut milk or coconut water
1 tsp lucuma
1 tsp of maca
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tb of maple syrup, raw honey or coconut sugar
Handful of frozen or fresh berries
Sprinkling of cacao nibs
Few mint leaves



1. Place chia seeds and almond milk in a bowl and whisk until milk gets slightly frothy.

2. Stir in all the superfood powders and natural sweetener and whisk to mix throughout.

3. Place in the fridge for a few hours (you can leave overnight) to let the chia seeds expand and the pudding will set.

4. Garnish with frozen berries, cacao nibs and few mint leaves.

5. Enjoy your superfood dessert, a good dessert that you can enjoy even when detoxing!